Tips for starting the conversation
Sometimes it might be hard to know the right thing to say to someone experiencing depression.
These are some ideas of supportive things to say:
- “I’m sorry you’re feeling like this, and I’m here for you.”
- “You’re important to me.”
- “How are you managing?”
- “What can I do to help you today?” Or, if you can, ask something more specific, such as: “Would you like me to come over and keep you company?”
Try to avoid statements like:
- “Cheer up” or “just think positively.”
- “You don’t seem that sad”, or anything that invalidates what they’re going through.
- “Other people have it far worse than you.”
- “You wouldn’t be depressed if you just did some exercise”, or anything that blames them for what they’re experiencing.
- “You’re being selfish,” or “you should think about how this affects the rest of us.”
I am in Crisis
If you feel you need immediate help, contact one of the below charities.
Recommended Apps
Below are a selection of the apps we recommend