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Below is a collection of Books covering lots of different topics from Depression to ADHD and everything inbetween.

Remember the advice given in books should be a replacement for medical advice, while books can offer a wealth of information, should you have medical concerns seek help from a medical professional.

The RJAH Library has a large collection of books covering a large range of topics, you can view all of the books they have in their own catalogue which can be found by clicking the link below.

RJAH Wellbeing Collection

A manual for being human: practical advice for a happier life

Do you want to believe in yourself and your ability to be content with who you are? If the answer is yes, then A Manual for Being Human is the book you […]

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Atomic Habits


People think that when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change […]

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Autism spectrum disorders: characteristics, causes & practical issues 

What are the historical foundations of autism and what precisely is meant by the ′autistic spectrum′? How can we explain behavioural patterns of people with autism, young or old, and […]

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Carb and calorie counter: count your carbs & calories with over 1,700 food & drink photos

Now in its 6th year, the #1 bestselling Carbs & Cals book is better than ever! Nationally recognised as the “carb & calorie counting bible”, our visual method of showing […]

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Chronic pain management: your two-part plan for understanding pain and finding relief

Chronic pain affects huge numbers of people – the WHO estimates that 37-41% of people across developed and developing countries suffer, and the figure rises in countries like the UK […]

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Delivering quality healthcare for people with disability

Those with disability-be it mild and a mere inconvenience, or one that necessitates the use of high-tech support for survival-have repeatedly reported that their healthcare needs are not adequately addressed by healthcare providers. Most healthcare professionals, including nurses, are unfamiliar with the consequences of disabling conditions in the lives of individuals with disability. They lack knowledge about how to communicate effectively with those with all types of disability, do not consider the effect of individuals’ disability on their ability to participate in health-promotion efforts, harbor negative attitudes and bias toward them, stereotype them, and often perceive them as unable (or unwilling) to take an active part in their own care.

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Demystifying disability : what to know, what to say, and how to be an ally

An approachable guide to being a thoughtful, informed ally to disabled people, with actionable steps for what to say and do (and what not to do) and how you can help make the world a more inclusive place

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Dirty Laundry: Why Adults with ADHD Are so Ashamed and What We Can Do to Help


Made us giggle and helped us forge a much deeper connection with our friends and family with ADHD. A godsend!’ – Davina McCall & Michael Douglas If you have ADHD – or love somebody who does […]

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