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Men’s health: all you need to know in one concise manual

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Can you find your inter-gluteal cleft? Or point to your olecranon? Of course not, you’re like most men when it comes to health, you don’t know your a*se from your elbow. But don’t worry, those are the last medical terms you’ll find in this manual. Since prevention is always better than cure, there are no descriptions of disease, no threats or grim warnings, just a lot of stuff that will help you to be healthier. Easy-going, quick wins for a longer, happier life. To be fair, we are living longer anyway. But there’s a catch. Although male life-expectancy at birth is now close to 80, on average only 63 of those years will be in good health. That’s one fifth of your life in poor health. The aim of this manual is to help you live as many healthy and happy years as possible. It’s for men who are interested in their health and wellbeing. And all men who are not.

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